About Race Inquiry and Race Inquiry Digest


In 2015, Race Inquiry Inc., a 501 (c) (3), was founded as an independent, non-commercial, website devoted to the curation and dissemination of news about race in America. Race is interpreted broadly, which includes the political and social activity of the major racial/ethnic groups, and their interactions on the American stage.


ronald sheehyRonald J. Sheehy, Ph.D., molecular biologist, retired university administrator, journalist, is founder and editor of Race Inquiry. He has a published memoir, Possibilities: A Search for Personal Liberation.

Click here for a brief biographical sketch   

Strategy and Implementation 

Over 50 news sources are reviewed for stories that demonstrate excellence in analysis and reporting. Links to selected articles are published bi-weekly ( Monday and Thursday) in a summarized and easily readable format under the heading Race Inquiry Digest. The Week’s “Top Stories”  are published on Saturday. The Digest is divided into seven categories: Feature, Political/Social, World News, Ethics/Morality/Religion, Historical/Cultural, Sports, and Site Information. In addition, articles appearing in the Digest are also published and archived on our home page under the following categories: National News, World News, Original, Sports, Culture, Past Voices, Opinion, Collegiate Voices, Ethics/Morality/Religion and Book/Podcast and Video Favorites.

News Sources

Reviewed Daily

New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Salon, USA Today, NPR, CNN, ABC News, Slate, US News and World Report, CBS News, NBC News, Associated Press News

Reviewed Bi-weekly

Dissent, Buzzfeed, The Nation, Talkingpointsmemo, Democracy Now, Atlanta Black Star, The Christian Science Monitor, LA Times, AAIHS, The Guardian, National Geographic, The New Yorker, The Intercept, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Politico,  Vox, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone, Andscape, Daily Kos, The Daily Beast, The Grio, The Root. Vanity Fair, Newsweek, The Conversation, Forbes, PBS News Hour, The Progressive, Propublica, Time, Fortune, The Hill, The Bulwark, SF Chronicle, Foreign Affairs, The Wall Street Journal, Blavity,  Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, The Athletic ,Religion News Service, National Catholic Review, Christianity Today, Presbyterians Today