National News
Julian Bond’s Life in Protest and Politics. By Robert Greene II / The Nation
Every ‘Squad’ Member Won Her Primary. By Daniel Marans / HuffPost
New Research Highlights Gaps In How Black And White Voters Approach Vote By Mail. By Tierney Sneed / TPM
The 1619 Project and the ‘Anti-Lincoln Tradition.’ By E. James West / AAIHS
Meet the Brave but Overlooked Women of Color Who Fought for the Vote. By Veronica Chambers, Jennifer Schuessler, Amisha Padnani, Jennifer Harlan, Sandra E. Garcia and Vivian Wang / NYT
Racism’s Hidden Toll. In America, how long you live depends on the color of your skin. By Gus Wezerk / NYT
40 Confederate symbols have been removed since the death of George Floyd, SPLC says. By Christina Walker / CNN
Bill Cosby’s sex-crimes appeal attacks trial as ‘fundamentally unfair.’ By MaryClaire Dale / Associated Press
The Nonviolent Activist Who Mentored John Lewis, Rev. James Lawson. By Peter Dreier / The Progressive
Lynchings are part of Georgia’s history — and the state’s present. By Sandy Hodson / USA Today
The Black Lives Matter Movement Hits a Different Kind of Wall. By Robin Givhan / Wash Post
Coronavirus relief favors white households, leaving many people of color at risk of being evicted. By Taylor Miller Thomas / Politico
Obesity, race play roles in severe COVID-19 illness among kids. By Erika Edwards / NBC News
Most VA workers see racism against colleagues and veterans, union survey finds. By Alex Horton / Wash Post
Black women account for less than 3% of U.S. doctors. Is health care finally ready to face racism and sexism? By Maria Aspan / Fortune
The Battle Between W.E.B. Du Bois and His White Editor Was an Early Reckoning Over Objectivity. By Jacob Rosenberg / Mother Jones
A new statue of Lincoln will adequately honor him alongside Black Americans. By Frank Smith / Wash Post
How Viral Videos of Racist Incidents Are Changing Society. Erica Solano and Alexander Robson / Time
How Has the Electoral College Survived for This Long? Resistance to eliminating it has long been connected to the idea of white supremacy. By Alexander Keyssar / NYT
Black Lives Matter in Small Towns, Too. By Amanda Solliday / The Progressive
Enslaved people’s health was ignored from the country’s beginning, laying the groundwork for today’s health disparities. By Eric Kyere / The Conversation
The American dream while Black: Locked in a vicious cycle. Homeownership is supposed to be the gateway to the American dream. By Nigel Chiwaya and Janell Ross / NBC News
Black-owned companies are shutting down twice as fast as other businesses. By Chauncey Alcorn / CNN
Distrust of the Minneapolis Police, and Also the Effort to Defund Them. By John Eligon / NYT
Returning From War, Returning to Racism. By Alexis Clark / NYT
Grace Lynne Haynes’s “Sojourner Truth, Founding Mother.” By Francoise Mouly / The New Yorker
How white supremacy infected Christianity and the Republican Party. By Jennifer Rubin / Wash Post