Opinion October 17, 2020 Why Black Parishioners Are Leaving Churches. By Dara T. Mathis / The Atlantic
Opinion October 17, 2020 Born with two strikes. How systemic racism shaped Floyd’s life and hobbled his ambition. By Toluse Olorunnipa and Griff Witte / Wash Post
Opinion October 15, 2020 Answers and accountability are desperately needed in the Breonna Taylor case. By Editorial Board / Wash Post
Opinion October 15, 2020 Why Trump’s Myth of American Exceptionalism Is So Dangerous. By Rann Miller / The Progressive
Opinion October 5, 2020 What America owes: How reparations would look and who would pay. Samara Lynn and Catherine Thorbecke / ABC News
Opinion October 2, 2020 Chris Wallace’s framing on ‘race and violence’ debate topic is wrong on so many levels. By Stephen A. Holmes / CNN
Opinion October 2, 2020 Behind Trump’s push for civil war: A deep history of white supremacist paranoia. By Paul Rosenberg / Salon
Opinion October 2, 2020 An election scenario that should frighten everyone — especially Black America. By John Blake / CNN
Opinion October 2, 2020 Trump’s Supreme Court pick could turn back the clock on civil rights. By Vanita Gupta / CNN
Opinion October 2, 2020 ‘Trumpismo’: Latino Republicans need to call out Trump’s authoritarianism, critics say. By Suzanne Gamboa / NBC News
Opinion September 28, 2020 Four principles to guide us on whose statues should topple and whose should remain. By Robert McCartney / Wash Post
National News, Opinion September 21, 2020 Trump has Latino voter support that’s as strong as ever. Why haven’t his insults cost him? By Luisita Lopez Torregrosa / NBC News
Opinion September 21, 2020 White evangelicals and Catholics may finally be opening their ears. By Michael Gerson / Wash Post
Opinion September 21, 2020 Why the stability of the 2020 race promises more volatility ahead. By Ronald Brownstein / CNN
Opinion September 21, 2020 Racism Is Not a Historical Footnote. By Bill Russell / The Players Tribune
Opinion September 18, 2020 Trump’s White House says critical race theory is anti-American. Here’s the truth. By Laura Gomez / NBC News
Opinion September 18, 2020 Donald Trump relishes his role as a divider as he vows to be “vicious.” By Maeve Reston / CNN
Opinion September 18, 2020 “What Kind of Society Are We Building?”: Durham DA Satana Deberry on Prosecuting Like a Progressive. By Jamilah King / Mother Jones
Opinion September 18, 2020 I Look White To Many. I’m Black. This Is What White People Say To Me. By Cheryl Green Rosario / HuffPost
Opinion September 14, 2020 Carrying a gun is white privilege now, too dangerous for Blacks like me. By Justin McFarlin / USA Today
Opinion September 14, 2020 The New Reconstruction: The United States has its best opportunity in 150 years to belatedly fulfill its promise as a multiracial democracy. By Adam Serwer / The Atlantic
Opinion September 14, 2020 The Armed Defenders of White Male Supremacy. By Ibram X. Kendi / The Atlantic
Opinion September 11, 2020 Why We Need More Close Interracial Friendships (And Why We’re Bad At Them). By Brittany Wong / HuffPost
Opinion September 11, 2020 Trump’s Kenosha visit and 2020 strategy echo fearmongering of racists like George Wallace. By The Rev. Dr. William Barber / NBC News