Feature – Vote. That’s Just What They Don’t Want You to Do. This is a fragile moment for the nation. The integrity of democratic institutions is under assault from without and within, and basic standards of honesty and decency in public life are corroding. You can share the latest outrageous news on your social media feed. But none of it matters if you don’t go out and vote. Read more
‘School Choice’ Is A Lie That Harms Us All. Families and taxpayers have swallowed the line that a privatized school “marketplace” will deliver on its promise of upward mobility for all. It is a cynical game that has done nothing to build up communities like mine, despite all promises to the contrary. Read more
Using Art to Help the Police Understand Racism. L’Merchie Frazier, director of education and interpretation at the Museum of African American History in Boston, gives a tour of a Frederick Douglass exhibition to police officers. “Understanding the history of the relationships between law enforcement and communities of color is important, and it’s just not well understood.” Read more
Good bet for the office NCAA pool: Black men will play and white men will profit. Most of the NCAA’s revenue comes from its Division I basketball championship, but how do the black players benefit? Read more
Have You Seen ‘A Wrinkle in Time’? Let’s Talk. If you haven’t yet seen “A Wrinkle in Time,” here is your SPOILER ALERT. This article will discuss the plot of both the film and the novel in detail. Read more
The Race-Based Mortgage Penalty. As the Trump administration begins to gut federal enforcement of civil rights laws, minority communities that were targets for predatory home loans before the recession have become vulnerable yet again to mortgage discrimination. Read more
African American museum in SC will stand where 100,000 slaves took first steps on American soil. The International African American Museum is scheduled to open in Charleston in 2020. Historians estimate that more than 90 percent of all African-Americans can trace at least one ancestor to this land. Read more
Suit accusing Harvard of capping Asian-American admissions could be tried this summer. The lawsuit, begun in 2014 by a conservative advocate who has long challenged affirmative action that benefits blacks and other historically disadvantaged racial minorities, could affect who gets a place on the selective Ivy League campus. Read more
A Quiet Exodus: Why Black Worshipers Are Leaving White Evangelical Churches. White evangelicals voted for Mr. Trump by a larger margin than they had voted for any presidential candidate. “It said, to me, that something is profoundly wrong at the heart of the white church,” said Chanequa Walker-Barnes, a professor of practical theology at the McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University in Atlanta. Read more
Why Are Asian American Women Still Inaccurately Portrayed on TV? “Hollywood always wants a white co-lead,” said Nancy Yuen, associate professor at Biola University and one of the principal authors of a new study about Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) in prime time and streaming television. Read more
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