Articles by Ronald J. Sheehy
American apartheid: This country still treats too many of its black citizens like slaves. By Lucian K. Truscott IV / Salon
Trump stokes division with racism and rage – and the American oligarchy purrs. By Robert Reich / The Guardian
As the people rise up, Trump regime moves to criminalize dissent. By Chauncey DeVega / Salon
The diabolical irony of Trump in Tulsa. By Michele L. Norris / Wash Post
Jesus Was Divisive: A Black Pastor’s Message To White Christians. By Isabella Rosario / NPR
Angela Davis on Abolition, Calls to Defund Police, Toppled Racist Statues & Voting in 2020 Election. By Amy Goodman / Democracy Now
DA criticizes Atlanta police killing of Rayshard Brooks and says charges could come this week. By Eric Levenson, Christina Maxouris and Joe Sutton / CNN
Sick of the ‘blue code of silence,’ director Ava DuVernay starts an initiative to spotlight police brutality. By Geoff Edgers / Wash Post
Boston Mayor Declares Racism A Public Health Crisis. By Quincy Walters / NPR
How the First Black Mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota, Is Thinking About This Moment. By Joel Anderson / Slate
Take the Confederate Names Off Our Army Bases. By David Petraeus / The Atlantic
‘Homage To Hate’: Pelosi Calls For Confederate Statues Removed From U.S. Capitol. By Alana Wise / NPR
As D.C. protests continue, preparations begin for massive march on Washington in August. By Marissa J. Lang and Emily Davies / Wash Post
Biden running mate search zeroes in on group that includes at least four black women. By Sean Sullivan / Wash Post
Voter turnout soared in Georgia despite massive primary day problems. By Dareh Gregorian / NBC News
Dave Chappelle’s “8:46” special meditates on black America and George Floyd. By Aja Romano / Vox
America’s Long Overdue Awakening on Systemic Racism. By Justin Worland / Time
Race Inquiry Digest (Jun 18) – Important Current Stories On Race In America
Featured – The Psychology of Racism: Racism is a sign of a lack of psychological maturity and integration. By Steve Taylor / Psychology Today