Articles by Ronald J. Sheehy
States imprison black people at five times the rate of whites — a sign of a narrowing yet still-wide gap. Katie Mettler / Wash Post
Race Inquiry Digest (Dec 12) – Important Current Stories On Race In America
Featured – Miss USA, Miss America, Miss Teen USA and now Miss Universe are all black women. By Kendall Trammell / CNN
With Kamala Harris Out, Democrats’ Leading Presidential Candidates Are All White. By Alanna Vagianos / HuffPost
Buttigieg turns to black pastor to discuss racism, poverty. By Associated Press / NBC News
Cory Booker Bets $100 Billion on Historically Black Colleges and Universities. By Nick Corasaniti / NYT
How Black Voters Could Help Biden Win the Democratic Nomination. By Astead W. Herndon / NYT
Stephen Miller: why is Trump’s white nationalist aide untouchable? By Amanda Holpuch / The Guardian
America’s Red State Death Trip. Why does falling life expectancy track political orientation? By Paul Krugman / NYT
The sordid history of housing discrimination in America. By Sean Illing / Vox
Here’s Why Neighborhoods With More People of Color Pay Higher Energy Bills. By Brentin Mock / Mother Jones
When it comes to access to clean water, ‘race is still strongest determinant,’ report says. By Nicole Acevedo / NBC News
What’s Lost When Black Children Are Socialized Into a White World. By Dani McCleain / The Atlantic
Ralph Ellison’s Slow-Burning Art. Sixty years of the writer’s letters chart his evolution from iconoclast to icon. By Kevin Young / The New Yorker
The Black Athlete in the Freedom Struggle. By AAIHS Editors
Black Scholars Are Not ‘Rare Creatures. ‘When Purdue’s president said this, I had to respond because this myth is so pervasive. By G. Gabrielle Starr / NYT
Looking for Frederick Douglass in Savannah. By Siddhartha Mitter / NYT
Will Republicans be able to wipe Trump’s crimes from the history books? By Amanda Marcotte / Salon
Race Inquiry Digest (Dec 9) – Important Current Stories On Race In America
Featured – States imprison black people at five times the rate of whites — a sign of a narrowing yet still-wide gap. Katie Mettler /…